Sleep Dentistry

The cure for dental anxiety…the home of radiant smiles.

Sleep Dentistry

The cure for dental anxiety…the home of radiant smiles.

We offer our dental services in a calm and relaxed environment. Our certified dental anaesthesiologist uses advanced techniques with a gentle touch to make you feel more comfortable. We hope you will find your experience at Fourth Avenue Dental to be caring and positive.

Whether you are undergoing invasive dental work, are an anxious adult, or the parent of a crying child, sleep dentistry allows all your treatment to be done with little stress.

Dr Marc Bongard

Fourth Ave Dental is pleased to offer sleep dentistry through the services offered by Dr Marc Bongard (Dental Anaesthesiologist).

Fourth Ave Dental has provided sleep dentistry to many of our patients.

Dr Marc Bongard received his DMD degree from Boston University and then went on to do a post-graduate residency program in dental anesthesiology at NYU-Lutheran Hospital, a level 1 trauma center in Brooklyn, New York. He is a recognized specialist in Dental Anesthesiology by the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and a board-certified diplomate of the American Board of Dental Anesthesiology. Dr Bongard is an associate clinical professor at the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry in the Anesthesia Department. His training included extensive experience providing anesthesia for pediatric, special needs, and medically compromised patients. He has provided general anesthesia and moderate sedation for thousands of patients undergoing restorative and dental implant procedures.

Experience you can count on!!

Dr Marc Bongard
DMD Specialist in Dental Anesthesiology